After running the sync, there are users who are currently not assigned to any team in Pluralsight. What are the reasons?
This happens when there is a user in Pluralsight for which we found no match in the files sent to us. It could be that that user was missing from the files entirely or just that we were unable to find a match.
Here are the rules for matching users from the Users Report to Pluralsight users (in the order that they are compared in):
Field from Users Report | Field from Pluralsight |
id | SSO ID |
Primary Email | |
Additional Emails (can be set in account page) |
If the above options fail, the connector does not assign the user to a team and they will be found in the unassigned users section within Pluralsight.
Common reasons to check for that caused a match to not be found:
- If utilizing SSO, Incorrect SSO
- Incorrect Email
- If using the
, user not under rootTeamId but exist in elsewhere in the company. See note below - User has been terminated and therefore not sent in the Users Report and needs to be removed from Pluralsight. This should be the most common reason for unassigned users and make it simple for Admins to know who needs to be removed.
- As noted elsewhere, functionality for removing these users and deprovisioning license during the sync is on the roadmap for the future but not available at this time.
Important things to note:
- If the customer is using the
parameter to sync part of their organization, then we will only look at users and teams that fall under thatrootTeamId
. If a user exists outside of that team structure then they will be ignored and not added to a team and could remain unassigned. Read the “Syncing Only a Part of Your Organization/Retain Manually Created Teams” section from the URL Parameters and Responses page for more information.
Team Structure Import Results Page
Request Header Validation
Errors will prevent the File Validation and Sync Process from occurring.
Incorrect request header for filename: {YOUR_FILENAME_HERE}. Valid options include either 'teams' or 'users'
Request header for filename was not set and has a value of null. Valid options include either 'teams' or 'users'
- Team Structure Import only allows filenames with the names 'users' or 'teams', anything else will be rejected.
Failed to decrypt message for file: {YOUR_FILENAME_HERE}
- This occurs only when you are utilizing pgp encryption. If this error message appears, that means the file failed to decrypt, and that you need to resend.
File Upload Validation
Possible Warnings:
Warnings are documented but do not prevent the Sync Process from occurring.
Some managers from your teams file are missing a user definition in the user file.
- The validation process checks whether the managers listed in your teams file have a user definition in the users file. The process will continue on if a user definition is not found but the manager will not be added to the team.
- This occurs most often if the teams file is being sent with the entire team structure while the users file is being filtered down in any way,
- To view a complete list of unmatched managers click the blue copy button to the right in the table.
Possible Errors:
Errors will prevent the Sync Process from occurring.
Missing header(s) for file
- Required headers:
- 'id', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'team_id'
- All users must have a unique id and a unique email
In checking the fields: (id, email), the following Users records were identified as duplicates
- The validation process compares ids and emails between all the users and identifies if any were the same. Having duplicates with the same email is not allowed in Pluralsight. To fix this error, remove any duplicates from your users file.
In checking the fields: (id, email), the following Users records were identified as missing values
- The validation process checks the ids and emails of all the users and identifies if any were missing or empty. IDs and emails are both required fields. To fix this error, make sure all required fields have a value.
The following Members/Users field 'externalTeamId' is missing the corresponding field 'externalId' value in Teams:
- Validation process checks for team definitions to exist in the teams file for every team ID in the users file. To fix this error, please check the team structure for the users listed to ensure that their team is properly sent over in the teams file.
List of possible operations that could be generated.
This section displays the number of each type of operation that was generated when comparing the team structure from the uploaded file to the team structure in Pluralsight. To view more details about each operation generated click the blue copy button to the right in the table.
Possible Errors:
These errors represent anything that occurred when attempting to apply the generated operations in Pluralsight.
If something in the newly synced team structure does not seem right and this section has errors listed, contact your CSM.