Recommended Testing Strategy for License Deprovisioning

In general, below are the steps for a phased approach to testing we recommend and the one that other customers have found success with:

  1. Run the sync with dryRun url parameter set to true.
    • Optional: consider using strict mode to stop the process if there are any errors. Refer to the “Turning On Strict Mode (ExitOnError)” section from the License Deprovision Setup.
    • Review the results in Deprovision Results page for any errors or warnings that occurred during the deprovision process.
    • Review the list of operations generated by the dryRun.
      • Is the total number of users that were deprovisioned in the range you estimated?
      • Is the total number of managers removed in the range you estimated?
      • If the numbers of operations generated is not what you expected:
        • Click the blue icon on the same page to review in-depth results (individual operations generated to diagnose the problem).
    • Once you are happy with the dry run results, proceed to next steps.
  2. Run the sync with dryRun url parameter set to false.
    • Send the entire data set to deprovision. Review results.
  3. Automated deprovision to prod:
    • Frequency depends on your use case