Recommended Testing Strategy

In general, below are the steps for a phased approach to testing we recommend and the one that other customers have found success with:

  1. Run the sync with dryRun url parameter set to true.
    • Optional: consider using strict mode to stop the process if there are any errors. Refer to the “Turning On Strict Mode (ExitOnError)” section from the URL Parameters and Responses page.
    • Review the results in Team Sync Results page for any errors or warnings that occurred during the file validation.
    • Review the list of operations generated by the dryRun.
      • Is the total number of users/teams created in the range you estimated?
      • Is the total number of managers invited to teams in the range you estimated?
      • If the numbers of operations generated is not what you expected:
        • Click the blue icon on the same page to review in-depth results (individual operations generated to diagnose the problem).
    • Once you are happy with the dry run results, proceed to next steps.
  2. Things to consider before turning off dryRun:
    • Make sure there are no manually created teams in-app that you want to retain. If you want to retain existing teams, please use rootTeamIds as mentioned in the “Syncing Only a Part of Your Organization/Retain Manually Created Teams” section from the URL Parameters and Responses page and ensure that the team names are distinct from those sent your teams.csv file.
      • Note: Pluralsight requires that team names be unique. This means that even when utilizing the rootTeamIds parameter, if a team name matches between the teams.csv file and a team name as it currently exists in Pluralsight, the existing team will be moved to its proper place in the hierarchy as dictated by source of truth teams.csv file you sent.
    • If you do not want manager notification/invitation emails to be sent while you are in the testing phase, please review the “Turning Off Manager Invites” section from the URL Parameters and Responses page.
  3. Run the sync with dryRun url parameter set to false.
    • Send 1 team/manager info to verify in-app experience. You can do this by reducing the files you send or by utilizing the rootTeamIds url parameter.
      • This small sync to prod helps you verify if your settings for dryRun, sendManagerInvites and rootTeamIds are all set as you intended and lets you view the changes within the Pluralsight app.
    • Once a single team structure looks good, scale it to 2-3 level hierarchy to verify you are sending data mapped correctly via users and teams files. Verify the results in the in-app experience.
  4. Final sync to prod:
    • Send the entire data set to sync. Review results.
  5. Automated sync to prod:
    • Consider turning on sendManagerInvites so that managers can join Pluralsight (manager invites don't consume licenses).
    • Frequency depends on your use case but most customers either do daily or weekly automated syncs.