Team Sync Connector FAQ

What's the difference between the Team Sync Connector and Team Structure Import?

The Team Sync Connector and Team Structure Import both offer the same functionality, however the Team Sync Connector leverages the Workday EIB (Enterprise Interface Builder), while the Team Structure Import can be used with an HTTP request.

What’s the effort on my end to enable the Workday connector?

Below are the factors that you can consider while estimating effort for your organization:

  • Security review and other clearances within your company so that our Workday connector can receive data from Workday.
  • Workday admin/analysts to set up the Workday reports and outbound EIB connector. Detailed steps to setup the connector are here.
  • If there are unassigned users after the sync, (If you are an admin or a manager, you can view the unassigned tab by clicking on people in the left navigation menu) that means you have users that were not found in the Workday file. Refer to the Troubleshooting page to know how to resolve this.

Note: No developer efforts are required to setup and maintain the Pluralsight Workday HRIS Connector.

Who do I need to line up to get the connector setup?

  • Your Workday admin/analyst to setup EIB connector by following instructions here.
  • If there are data mismatches after the sync due to your user data being different in Workday versus Pluralsight, Plan admin to correct the user details in Pluralsight.
  • If your organization requires a security review, team(s) necessary for security allowance prior to setting up the EIB

I have a security review for the integration. How can you help with that?

a) To ensure additional secure transfer of files, Pluralsight supports PGP encryption and can provide you a PGP public key to encrypt the files sent over. Pluralsight retains and securely stores the private key that is then used to decrypt the files sent over via the connector.

b) We use Basic Auth as it is the only option Workday EIB supports.  BUT we are actually using the Basic Auth like Bearer. The API Key that you will use as the password is actually a Bearer Token that is a well encrypted string. When the Basic Auth is sent over it is treated as a Bearer Auth and the Username is actually ignored.

I want only my IT org (or any specific org) to sync to Pluralsight. Does the connector allow for such customization?

Yes. Read the “Syncing Only a Part of Your Organization/Retain Manually Created Teams” section from the URL Parameters and Responses page for more information.

I do not want certain employees such as contract workers in my org to be given Pluralsight access. How do I make sure of this?

The connector only syncs users who already have licenses in Pluralsight. If the contract workers don’t have licenses in your organization, their information sent via EIB files will be ignored during the sync. You can also filter out contracted workers when you create EIB reports.

How do I ensure that the connector is syncing the teams from Workday correctly?

Below are the options:

  1. By default, a "dry run" feature is turned on and you can view the generated org changes before applying them. Manager email invites will not be sent by default during the dry run phase. Read the “Dry Run” section on the URL Parameters and Responses page for more information.
  2. During the testing phase, after you are confident in the dry run you can choose not to send manager email invites to new managers not already in the system. Read the “Turning off Manager Invites” section on the URL Parameters and Responses page for more information.
  3. If there are unassigned users after the sync, (If you are an admin or a manager, you can view the unassigned tab by clicking on people in the left navigation menu) that means you have users that didn’t match. Refer to the Troubleshooting page to know how to resolve this.
  4. We have an Team Sync Results Tool that allows you to view all relevant information pertaining to your upload including: status, operations generated, warnings and error messages.

Who gets the Pluralsight licenses?

The phase 1 functionality of the Workday connector doesn’t provision Pluralsight licenses to users.

I have created some teams manually. Will they get deleted when sync happens?

By default, yes. Read the “Syncing Only a Part of Your Organization/Retain Manually Created Teams” section from the URL Parameters and Responses page for more information.

Is there a staging environment/testing environment/sandbox for me to test the connector?

No. Syncs can only be done in your live/production Pluralsight account, we provide the “dry run” feature to mitigate this.

The dry run feature will use data from your Pluralsight plan to generate the necessary operations to be done without executing those operations or making any changes to the existing structure. Check the "Dry Run" section of the URL Parameters and Responses page for more information.

Is this Workday Connector certified by Workday?


I’m interested in syncing Pluralsight content progress data into Workday. Is this functionality available?

This functionality will be built as a new separate integration and is part of the roadmap. Please talk to your CSM to connect with the PaaS team to be part of the discovery process and to see if this functionality fits your needs.

I’m interested in syncing Pluralsight content library into Workday LMS. Is this functionality available?

This functionality will be built as a new separate integration and is part of the roadmap. Please talk to your CSM to connect with the PaaS team to be part of the discovery process and to see if this functionality fits your needs.

What’s coming in the future (roadmap) ?

Below are features in the roadmap:

  • A new Integration to sync Pluralsight content library to Workday Learning
  • A new Integration to sync Pluralsight content progress data into Workday Cloud Connect

Do we need any new fields other than what is currently being sent over via SSO?

Yes, there are few additional required fields such as team_id. For complete list of fields please check report 1 and report 2 in the Outbound EIB page.

Is EIB a full file dump in each sync or delta?

EIB is a full file dump. This connector identifies the delta team structure changes automatically and applies them.

Are there any size restrictions to the EIB file?


In the future when there are connector enhancements what are my options to test it? What does the upgrade process looks like?

For all breaking changes the connector version found in the URL number will be bumped up. Backwards compatibility will be maintained as much as possible. You will be able to utilize the “dry run” feature to test the new version before updating the connector. New enhancements may also become available as part of a parameter in the url that you can choose to enable.

Please refer to the Versioning Integrations page for more information.

What security measures are in place?

We utilize HTTP/SSL to secure the data in transit.

There is also an optional PGP Encryption piece that can be enabled in the EIB Integration. If you would like to utilize this feature, let your CSM and the PaaS Team know.

What happens when a team member is terminated in Workday?

This connector currently does not deprovision licenses based on Workday information [This feature is in the roadmap]. Currently, the terminated user will be removed from the team structure in Workday and will be found in the unassigned users section within Pluralsight.

An error was returned when running the EIB. How do I troubleshoot this error?

Workday does not display the results of your EIB Submission other than to display success or failure. If an error occurred during the process of validating your files, Workday will simply return that there was an error with no other information.

Please utilize our Team Sync Results Tool to view the status and/or errors that occurred during the Validation and Sync Run processes. Any answers to questions about this tool can be found in the Troubleshooting page.

Will users that are added as managers get an email when a team is added? 

Yes, they get an email inviting them to view their teams' analytics.

What team structures/analytics will managers see? Will a manager see learners on teams nested under their team? 

Here’s the link to a Help Center Page to learn more about permission levels for a manager.

What team structures/analytics will a plan admin see?

Here’s the link to a Help Center Page to learn more about the analytics that a plan admin can see.

Is there any limit to number of values in rootTeamId?

There is currently no limit on the number of rootTeamIds that can be sent over. However, we recommend that if you find you are sending quite a few to consider using a team id that is higher up in your structure that includes the child teams you want synced.

Note: Because we are not creating users or allocating licenses via this connector, it is safe to send us more of your org than necessary as the connector will only sync the users as they exist in Pluralsight at the time of the import.

Should the url parameters such as dryRun, sendManagerInvites, and rootTeamIds be sent via both the files? 

Yes, the recommendation is to have the parameters in the urls for both files.

If users are on manually created teams, and they are on different teams in the structure coming in through the import, will they be on both teams?

Yes, as long as you are utilizing the rootTeamIds url parameter as found in the “Syncing Only a Part of Your Organization/Retain Manually Created Teams” section from the URL Parameters and Responses page. If you do not use the rootTeamIds, the manually created teams will be removed (or moved to match the new team structure sent in the teams.csv file) and the users will only exist on the teams coming from the import.

Can I turn off email invites to managers during testing?

Yes, please refer to the “Turning Off Manager Invites” section from the URL Parameters and Responses page.